Since 1993

mission statement

The mission of Sustane Earth is to create socially responsible yet profitable businesses in the sectors of Health, Agriculture, Food, Beauty and Fashion which will help sustain and preserve humans, animals, land, ocean and air.

Learn more about our mission

Our Vision

Sustane Earth has invested heavily in its own Organic Farming, a Sustainable Cafe, A Vegan Restaurant, Vegan and Cruelty free skincare and haircare line, waterless Manicure and Pedicure system (in development) and Earth Friendly and Cruelty Free Fashion.

Learn more about our vision

Our Message to you

Think.. Act.. Inspire.. Transform..

Learn more about our message to you

Since 1993



Think of a plan

How can I make a difference?

Act Now

There's no time like the present.


Inspire Others

Let your actions influence others to follow your footsteps.

Ready to find out more?

Learn more about Sustane Earth Changing The World!